Normally I would just do a google search using the creed number. Most counterfeit bags will have the wrong style number for that bag so when you do a the search, a different bag will show up. But when the style number is correct in the counterfeit bag, thats when you need to use your knowledge of authentic bags to find the less noticeable things that will tell you whether or not the bag is authentic. This bag is just such a case, having an authentic style number, but notice the details!
This is the Coach Signature Multi Stripe Diaper Bag
This is the seam side, notice that the letter Cs do not line up, nor are they centered. Now, on some styles, while the Cs may not line up, they are ALWAYS centered. Also notice that the colored leather patches, while they appear to be in the right color order, the colors don't match to the authentic bag. Of course, you may not have a bag to compare it with, so the most obvious thing is how sloppy the pattern is right on the seam.
Again, the pattern is not centered on the counterfeit bag.
I don't have a good picture of the authentic bag zipped closed, but this angle of the inside shows 1 side of the zipper. It's what's called a "break away" zipper, meaning it unzips and separates. Note on the counterfeit bag that it's not a true break away zipper, it is connected on one end.
And now we're at the creed patch. At first glance you can see the differences. The wording is spread out, so the border around the wording goes right to the edges of the creed patch. The words "superior" and "attention" look different. It's hard to tell if they are misspelled, but there appears to be a "t" on the end of superior and the end of attention appears to have something wrong with it. Always read the words in the creed patch and make sure they are all spelled correctly, and evenly spaced. Something I have run across on a few counterfeit bags is wording that indicates the whole bag is made of leather instead of just trimmed in leather. Also note the prefix letters/numbers are short one on the counterfeit creed, and while the authentic bag was made in 2007, the counterfeit would indicate 2006. The numbers/letters on the creed patches have changed over the years, so you can't say any one thing about them is an absolute, except that the No in front of the set of numbers/letters is always a capital N with a small o underlined. On the counterfeit bag you really don't see it stand out like it does on the authentic bag.
I hope this has been helpful, it takes a lot of skill to know what to look for and that takes time to develop. Guides like this one may help you be more confident in buying pre owned Coach bags, but the best thing to do is to have confidence in the people you buy from. We, at Exclusively Coach pride ourselves on our knowledge of Coach and our superior customer service.
Stop in to our next auction on April 14th, 2015 here , we have expanded to bring you more designers, however we are still primarily Coach.
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